SYLACAUGA, Ala. – A special Sylacauga City Council meeting has been called to take place by Council President Ashton Fowler and is now scheduled for Friday night, Sept. 29, at 6:00 p.m.
The following agenda items will be addressed:
1. Authorize a ninety-six cent ($0.96) increase to participants of Green For Life (GFL) waste collection services provided in the City of Sylacauga effective Oct. 1, 2023.
2. Approve and authorize Mayor Jim Heigl by Resolution No. 66-2023 to sign the FY24 renewal for “Procurement Contract for Services to Aging Consumers Under Title III of the Older Americans Act – Supportive/Nutrition Services” with East Alabama Regional Planning and Development Commission.
3. Approve and authorize Mayor Heigl by Resolution No. 67-2023 to sign the FY24 Contract for “Section 5311 Non-Urbanized Area Public Transportation” Services with the Sylacauga Alliance for Family Enhancement (SAFE) in the amount of $91,015.
4. Approve September Accounts Payable invoices.
5. Approve September payroll in the amount of $660,971.57.