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Sylacauga City Council approves preliminary design of new community and recreation center


SYLACAUGA, Ala. – A new community and recreation center could be on the horizon for the City of Sylacauga.

During Tuesday night’s work session, the council heard from representatives from Engineering Design Technologies (EDT) about the possibility of transforming the former Food World site on Main Ave. into a new mixed-use community and recreational center.

The new building could merge Verlie B. Collins and J. Craig Smith into one new site with 8 acres of parking and updated facilities.

Recommendations were to tear the current structure down and reuse the current slab. Part of the facility could include a new indoor pool.

EDT said along with its design process, it would work with the City to hold several community meetings ensuring community-wide input.


The council also approved the Sylacauga Police Department to purchase new body and in-car camera equipment and servers. Last month, Chief Kelley Johnson explained the need for new equipment.

An expected date of March 2 is set to name the next fire chief. Interviews were held last week.

In other council news:

  • Adopted ordinance granting an extension of the Electric Franchise Agreement with the Sylacauga Utilities Board.
  • Adopted ordinance granting an extension of the Natural Gas Franchise Agreement with the Sylacauga Utilities Board
  • Adopted ordinance granting an extension of the Sewer Franchise Agreement with the Sylacauga Utilities Board
  • Adopted ordinance granting an extension of the Water Franchise Agreement with the Sylacauga Utilities Board
  • Adopted ordinance conveying a five and one half (5.5) foot easement across city-owned sidewalk property along the West 2nd Street side of the former Stanton’s retail store located at 201 N. Broadway Avenue, approving agreement with building owner for use of property subject to easement, and authorizing Mayor James Heigl to execute said agreement and easement—Easement is necessary to enable owner to install supports (on the sidewalk) for second story balcony of the residential loft space.
  • Accepted recommendation from Interim Code Enforcement Director Mike Whetstone to approve resolution declaring y one (1) 2008 Ford Ranger, S/N 1FTYR10D08PA39157 as surplus property no longer needed for municipal purposes and authorizing disposal of same through GovDeals online auction or other appropriate disposal means.
  • Approved resolution to accept quote in the amount of $64,220.00 from Engineering Design Technologies, Inc. (EDT), for the provision of Preliminary Design Phase services for the proposed (New) Community Center Project to be located at the former Food World site on Main Avenue.
  • Approved resolution setting date for public hearing for consideration of adoption of new Codes as recommended by Interim Code Enforcement Director Mike Whetstone—First available date for public hearing is 4/07/2020 (6:00 p.m.)
  • Accepted recommendation from HR Specialist Jayne McGee to approve resolution designating certain classes of employee positions as safety sensitive positions subject to random drug/alcohol testing requirements.
  • Approved request from Street Supt. Reed Calfee for authorization to submit application for an ADEM Recycling Grant for the purchase of a new horizontal closed-end baler at a quoted cost of $84,200.00.
  • Approved resolution amending the uniform requirement for Street Department and Shop Department workers to include the provision of city-purchased work boots to coincide with the two-year uniform rental cycle.
  • Corrected Council action taken on 1/23/2020, accepting the donation of four (4) portable (classroom) units from the Sylacauga Housing Authority to properly reflect the actual donation of only one (1) unit
  • Accepted quote in the amount of $4,100.00 from O’Neal Electric for repairs to the lighting at the Welcome to Sylacauga sign located at Hwy 280 & W. Ft Williams
  • Accepted quote in the amount of $1,500.00 from O’Neal Electric for repairs to the lighting at the Welcome to Sylacauga sign located at Hwy 280 & Hwy 21
  • Authorized removal of charges for garbage fees from utility billing for vacant residence located at 504 Willowood Street; former owner/resident is deceased and home has remained vacant for many years since.
  • Approved request from Comer Museum to close the section of W 8th Street between N Broadway Avenue and N Norton Avenue from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. on March 7, 2020, for the 7th Annual Car and Bike Show to be held at the Museum during that time
  • Authorized Sylacauga Police Department to move forward with purchasing body cameras and related items, including authorization to seek bids if required to meet bid law requirements, at collective cost not to exceed $22,683.46.
  • Authorized Sylacauga Police Department to move forward with purchasing in-car and body camera server with set up and installation, including authorization to seek bids if required to next bid law requirements at a collective cost not to exceed $25,097.00.
  • Approved travel/training expenses for Planning Commission Member Jayne McGee to attend the Economic Development Leadership Institute EDAA Leadership Certification Program Courses: **Building Community to be held in Hoover, March 3, 2020; Building Workforce to be held in Scottsboro, April 14, 2020; and Attracting Retail to be held in Prattville, May 12, 2020—Registration fee is $95.00 per course (lunch included); Additional costs for mileage will be incurred–Estimated total cost of travel/training for McGee is $549.85 for these three courses: **$95.00 Registration fee for the Essentials of Economic Development course in Scottsboro, February 6, 2020, will be applied to this course; McGee was unable to attend.
  • Approved travel/expenses for CCT Accounting Specialist Yourlanda Burns to attend the Alabama City/County Management Association (ACCMA) Certificate Program: Human Resource Management & Staff Effectiveness segment of the Local Government Professional Management Certificate Program to be held in Prattville, March 26-27, 2020—Registration fee is $225.00; Additional cost for mileage and meals will be incurred–Estimated total cost of travel/training for Burns is $400.00.
  • Action that is necessary to approve travel/expenses for Municipal Court Magistrate Portia Ford to attend the 2020 Regional Seminar for Municipal Court Officials (certification requirement) to be held in Birmingham, April 2-3, 2020—Registration fee is $195.00; Additional cost for mileage will be incurred–Estimated total cost of travel/training for Ford is $284.55:
  • Approved training travel/expenses for PD Sgt. Kelly White, PD Sgt. Donnie Landers, PD Lt. Jason McNeill, and PD Officer Mike Davenport to attend the Transformational Communication training to be held at the Vestavia Hills Police Dept., February 27, 2020—Registration fee is $15.00; No additional costs other than *use of a department vehicle/fuel will be incurred (*All employees will carpool)–Estimated total cost of travel/training is $15.00 each
  • Approved training travel/expenses for PD Officer Adam Peoples to attend the De-Escalation Instructor training to be held in Florence, March 8-11, 2020—Registration fee is $325.00; Additional costs for lodging, meals, and *use of a department vehicle/fuel will be incurred (*All employees will carpool)–Estimated total cost of travel/training for Peoples is $764.68 each
  • Approved training travel/expenses for PD Lt. Jason McNeill, PD Sgt. Charlton Kircus, and PD Investigator Chris Vinson to attend the DMT New Operator Training to be held in Pelham, March 5, 2020—No registration fee; Additional costs for one meal each and *use of a department vehicle/fuel will be incurred (*Employees will carpool)–Estimated total cost of travel/training is $15.00 each
  • Authorized payments totaling $437,234.18 for payrolls for January, 2020
  • Authorized payments totaling $113,050.82 for balance of accounts payable invoices received for January, 2020
  • Held a public hearing to consider petitions for annexation and recommendations related to zoning of those certain properties located at or otherwise described as 134 Houston Road and 520 Fulton Gap Road —Hearing date set 1/07/2020; Resolution 01-2020: no one present.

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