CHILDERSBURG, Ala. – The Childersburg City Council met on Tuesday, Jan. 17, at 6:00 p.m. with the following agenda items for action:
The Council approved Resolution 2023-03, which awards storm drain repair at the intersection of Fairway and Cambridge Dr. at a cost of $2,780, paid from Fund 75 ARP.
Resolution 2023-04 was also approved which permits a fire grant application through JMCM Consulting to fund the purchase of another new ambulance. The grant would cover $377,000 with a city match of $35,049.87.
Two other resolutions were approved during the meeting.
Resolution 2023-05 approves the purchase of additional radio communications equipment for emergency personnel from Motorola in the amount of $29,506.52 from Fund 75 ARP.
Resolution 2023-06 gives approval for the city to enter into an agreement with Alabama Construction & Tree Service (ACTS) to provide leaf removal within the city at a rate of $2,800 per week, prorated as necessary.
Mayor Ken Wesson was authorized to sign any necessary documents.
Approval was given to place an advertisement in the Daily Home’s “Government & Industry Update 2023.”
Council approval was given for payment of invoices in the amount of $345,162.78.
The next regular meeting of the Childersburg City Council will take place at 6:00 p.m. on Tuesday, Feb. 7, 2023.