Watch the Sylacauga City Council meeting from Tuesday night below:
Wayne Hall was appointed to the Sylacauga Health Care Authority for its six-year term. John Ham was reappointed to the city Library Board for a four-year term. Angel Harris was appointed to two separate boards. She was appointed to the Tree Commission and Historical Commission.
The council also approved a contract with Alabama Power to convert street lighting to LED lights. The council approval authorizes Mayor Jim Heigl to execute the contract with Alabama Power.
The Council also:
- Authorized Mayor James Heigl to sign Memorandum of Agreement with East Alabama Regional Planning & Development Commission for a Brownfield Coalition Assessment Grant, EPA Cooperative Agreement #BF02D08621, in the amount of $600,000.
- Authorized a special use permit for Verizon Wireless to modify equipment on the existing tower at 395 Alabama Avenue. Recommended by the Center for Municipal Solutions (City’s consultant).
- Approved balance of Accounts Payable received for August and received to date for September in the amount of $172,324.87.
- Approved payroll for August in the amount of $397,204.38.