SYLACAUGA, Ala. – The Sylacauga City Council will meet Tuesday night.
The Sylacauga council will meet beginning at 5:00 for its work session in the Mayor’s chambers and move to the Council Chambers at City Hall for its official meeting at 6:00.
The following items are on the agenda:
- Public Hearing to consider request from Coosa Valley Medical Center, Coosa Valley Nursing Home, and abutting property owners to vacate certain platted, public alleys and rights-of-way. (Public hearing set by Resolution 70-2018 on 9-18-18). Resolution 79-2018 required.
- Resolution 80-2018 to amend agreement with Sylacauga Board of Education for School Resource Officers for the FY19 school year (action rescinds Resolution 69-2018 approved 9-18-18).
- Resolution 81-2018 authorizing acceptance of Alabama Historical Commission FY19 grant in the amount of $9,150 to be used for repairs in Sylacauga (Ft Williams) Cemetery.
- Approval for Police Department to apply for Byrne JAG grant funds to purchase new body cameras and personal first aid equipment.
- Application from Shelly McLeod Bullard, member of Fermenters Market, Inc. located at 8 East 2nd Street for Lounge Retail Liquor, Class I License.
- Approve expenses for Police Chief Kelley Johnson to attend the AACOP Training (CLEEP Certification) Improving Cross-Cultural Communication for Law Enforcement on Thursday, Nov. 1, and Recruiting, Selection, Retention and Employee Relations on Friday, Nov. 2, in Florence Alabama. There is no registration fee. Expenses for lodging and meals will be incurred. Johnson will be carpooling with Muse. Estimated expenses for Johnson are $294.78.
- Approve expenses for Police Captain Rondell Muse to attend the AACOP Training (CLEEP Certification) Improving Cross-Cultural Communication for Law Enforcement on Thursday, Nov. 1, and Recruiting, Selection, Retention and Employee Relations on Friday, Nov. 2, in Florence Alabama. Registration fee is $99 per course, total of $198 Expenses for lodging, mileage and meals will be incurred. Estimated expenses for Muse are $517.78.
- Approve expenses for HR Specialist Jayne McGhee to attend the ACCMA Certification Program – Leadership & Effective Public Management on November 15-16. Registration fee is $195 Additional expenses for meals will be incurred. Estimated expenses for McGee are $225.
- Approve expenses for Code Enforcement Administrative Secretary Shannon Plexico to attend the ACCMA Certification Program – Leadership & Effective Public Management on November 15-16. Registration fee is $195. Additional expenses for meals and mileage will be incurred. Estimated expenses for Plexico are $350.35.
- Additional Accounts Payable invoices received FY18 in the amount of $26,890.67.
- FY19 October Accounts Payable received in the amount of $166,080.27.
- September payroll in the amount of $393,160.02.