SYLACAUGA, Ala. – The Sylacauga City Council will meet tomorrow night, June 19, for the second time this month.
The following items are set to be discussed in new business:
- Resolution 48-2018 awarding bid for Comer Ball Field Lighting and Electrical Upgrade (Lathan Associates Architects, P.C. Job #18-07) to S & G Waldrop Electric Services, Inc. with low base bid of $490,000.00 (alternate new scoreboards – $10,000?).
- Resolution 49-2018 approving Change Order #1 for Sylacauga Street Paving Project #1944-17 to re-align West 4th Street at Old Birmingham Hwy (Hwy 511) intersection, at an additional cost of $23,950.00.
- Request from Street Supt. Reed Calfee to increase number of F/T positions at Animal Shelter by replacing one existing part-time Animal Shelter Laborer position ($ 9.58/hour/28 hours/week; $13,948.48 Annual) with one new full-time Grade SM-1, Step 2; $10.73/hour/40 hours/week; $22,325.63 Annual) and for authorization to post new full-time vacancy. (Resulting total animal shelter positions will be three F/T positions and three P/T positions; FY2018 budgeted amount is for two full-time positions and four part-time positions. Net result will increase current budget by $8,377.15.)
- Accept recommendation from Mayor Heigl to approve the package for restructuring the Planning/Code department, including the restructuring plan and the following job descriptions: Director of Buildings and Development Services, Administrative Assistant, Building Inspector/Technician, Building Inspector/Technician Part Time, Electrical Inspector/Technician, Electrical Inspector/Technician Part Time, Mechanical-Fuel Gas Inspector/Technician, Mechanical-Fuel Gas Inspector/Technician Part Time, Plumbing-Fuel Gas Inspection/Technician, Plumbing-Fuel Gas Inspector/Technician Part Time, Building Maintenance Technician, Laborer, IT Systems Administrator/Technician, and Superintendent-Street Department.
- Approval to waive Annexation Application fee effective immediately through March 31, 2019.
- Request from Fire Chief Adam Gardener to accept proposal from Talladega Tractor Co for 52” Exmark zero-turn mower for Sylacauga Fire Dept. in the amount of $8,000.00.
- Approve expenses for Police officer Christopher Peoples to attend Basic Narcotics Investigations training at the Regional Counterdrug Training Academy in Meridian, Mississippi on September 8-14, 2018. There is no registration fee. Expenses for meals and reimbursement of fuel for a city vehicle will be incurred.
- Balance of Accounts Payable for May in the amount of $183,110.76.
- May payroll in the amount of $375,885.81.
The work session will begin at 5:00 p.m. with the council meeting following at 6:00 p.m. Glenn Sisk will present an update on CVMC and there will be a discussion of board appointments at the work session. All members of the community are invited to attend.