SYLACAUGA, Ala. – The Sylacauga City Council will have its first meeting of December, tonight Dec. 4, 2018 at 6:00 p.m.
There are seven items to be discussed under New Business:
- Resolution #98-2018 authorizing FY19 special fund revenue/expense budgets for the following accounts:
- 011 City Hall Building Maintenance Reserve Fund
- 012 Capital Improvements Reserve Fund
- 012 Workers Compensation Reserve Fund
- 012 Unemployment Compensation Fund
- 015 Corrections Fund
- 020 Marble City Cemetery Fund
- 022 Drug Buy Fund
- 024 City Government Improvement Fund
- 040 Bond and Interest Fund
- 060 School Ad Valorem Fund
- 070 Special Gasoline Tax Fund
- 080 4 and 5 Cent Gasoline Tax Fund
- 100 CDBG Fund
- 110 Improvement Projects Fund
- 111 Bond Proceeds Fund
- 120 Airport Fund
- Resolution #99-2018 authorizing the Airport Authority and Barge Design to file a pre-application with the FAA for funding of approximately $2.2 million in capital improvement projects at the Sylacauga Airport, consisting of Runway Rehabilitation at an expected cost of $1,792,847, and Runway Lighting Rehabilitation at an expected cost of $187,200, along with additional costs for design and construction engineering for the projects; FAA/Federal Share is expected to be 90 percent; anticipated State Share is expected to be 5 percent, and local match is expected to be 5 percent of total eligible costs.
- Approval of 2019 holidays.
- Accept recommendation from City’s Benefit Coordinator, Bart Shaw (Shaw Hankins) and HR Specialist Jayne McGee to authorize change in carrier for the city-paid employee life insurance from One America to Lincoln Financial Group along with an increase in coverage from $15,000 to $20,000 at an additional cost of approximately $7 per year per covered employee.
- Approve expenses for PD Sgt. Shane Bland to attend the Active Shooter Threat Instructor Training Program at the Federal Law Enforcement Training Center in Glynco, Ga. Jan. 28 – Feb. 1, 2019. No registration fee. Meals and lodging are provided. Expenses for two meals and fuel for a city vehicle will be incurred. Estimated expenses for Bland are $100.
- Approve expenses for PD Investigator Willis Whatley to attend Leadership in a Crisis Training Program at the Federal Law Enforcement Training Center in Glynco, Ga. Jan. 8 – 10, 2019. Registration fee of $1,139 has been paid by a grant. Meals and lodging are provided. Expenses for two meals and fuel for a city vehicle will be incurred. Estimated expenses for Whatley are $100.
- Balance of Accounts Payable for November in the amount of $51,925.49.
A work session will be held at 5:00 p.m. with the Council meeting following at 6:00 p.m. All members of the community are invited to attend.