OAK GROVE, Ala. – The Town of Oak Grove’s Council met on Tuesday night, July 9, at 6:00 p.m.
In Old Business, Ordinance 131 was approved providing new parking restrictions, with the exception of US Hwys 280 and 231, and State Hwys 53 and 38. No one will be allowed to park on roadways in the town limits. Parking on the off-road right of way is restricted to 48 hours. Violations will be immediately towed at the owners’ expense.
An item to consider increase of fees related to planning and zoning was tabled, waiting for more complete information.
The purchase of a new golf cart was approved in the amount of $4,850 from Southland. The vehicle will be a joint purchase between the Town and the Volunteer Fire Department (VFD).
In New Business, there were no VFD Applications to consider.
Resolution 613 was approved, pertaining to the 5311 annual renewal and designation letter for the FY2025 public transportation system. The local match amount will be $41,368.
The Council reviewed quotes clearing two acres across from Town Hall. The matter was tabled for Mayor Tony White to get some Council questions answered.
The Council voted to invest $250,000 with Globe Atlantic investment at a rate of 5.15% annually for three years.
Approval was given to have the Senior Center bathrooms brought into complete ADA compliance. The Council approved a detailed bid from H&C Plumbing at a cost of $2,100.
The Council discussed quotes to have park pavilion foundations repaired, but tabled the measure for further review.
With parts unavailable to repair the town’s old mosquito sprayer, the Council approved the purchase of a new sprayer from Clark Mosquito Control in the amount of $15,900.
The Council went into executive session to discuss an employee matter before adjourning the meeting without action taken.