CHILDERSBURG, Ala. – The new year brought a short agenda for the first Childersburg City Council meeting of 2018.
With a pair of new garbage trucks on the road, the Council approved Resolution 2018-1, authorizes declaring the older sanitation trucks as surplus and available for disposal.
Invoices totaling $60,006.40 were approved for payment.
During the Town Hall portion of the meeting, it was announced that Coosa Valley Medical Center will host a ribbon-cutting ceremony for Childersburg’s newly remodeled family medicine clinic, celebrating the arrival of Dr. Anthony Nix’s family medicine practice. That will take place on Wednesday, Jan. 24 at 2:00 p.m. at Nix Family Medicine, 33733 US Highway 280 in Childersburg.
In business news, McDonald’s in Childersburg will shut down for remodeling for approximately five weeks, starting on Jan. 8. Mayor Ken Wesson said that the company had shared their drawings with him, adding that he expects some great improvements, including an indoor kid zone playground.
Citizens questioned the Council on both the status of local objections to the proposed transfer of work release inmates from Childersburg to St. Clair County, as well as contingency plans if that plan goes forward. Mayor Wesson said that local officials are working through channels to try to halt any changes. In the meantime, they are exploring options if they are not successful, “There aren’t a lot of easy options out there, but we’re doing everything possible to work through things, no matter how this plays out.”
Also, the Greater Coosa Valley Chamber of Commerce has begun accepting 2018 nominations for the Childersburg Hall of Fame.
The next Childersburg Council meeting will be held on Jan. 16 at 6:00 p.m.