CHILDERSBURG, Ala. – The Childersburg City Council will meet tonight, Dec. 4, 2018.
The following items are set to be discussed:
- Council Meeting – Reschedule: Approval to reschedule the Council meeting on Jan. 1 to Jan. 3, 2019.
- LRA-Advertisement Baseball/Softball: Approval to advertise with Childersburg Tiger Baseball and CHS Lady Tiger Softball at $250 (LRA funds).
- Senior Center: Approval to purchase a computer for Senior Center at $1,390.
- Greg Etheridge Electric: Approval for Etheridge Electric to complete LED projects at Industrial Park and multiple locations at the Street Department at $7,400.
- Approval of invoices.
The Council will adjourn to reconvene for the town meeting. The next regular scheduled meeting will be held Dec. 18, 2018 at 6:00 p.m.