TALLADEGA COUNTY, Ala. – The digital age is taking over. Technology continues to eliminate traditional protocol in all aspects of life, even in the way you vote.
The Talladega County Commission has purchased touchscreen tablets for voting on Tuesday, Dec. 12. This will be standard procedure from now on to save time, cut down on long lines, and reduce voter fraud.
According to the Chief Clerk of Probate, Lawanna Patterson, the steps for voting will be as follows:
1. You will show a picture ID to the poll worker.
2. It will be scanned into a touch-pad, if you use a driver’s license the bar-code on the back enters your information.
3. Your ID is handed to a second clerk who types your name into the system and prints a receipt for a ballot style. Everyone will get the same ballot on Tuesday, however, in a primary election, the ballot style will indicate a Republican or Democrat ballot.
4. You ID will be returned and the printed receipt. You will verify the information about you is correct and sign the touch-pad, just like you do when making a purchase.
5. You will give the receipt to another poll worker to receive a ballot. There will only be one style of ballot given to everyone on Tuesday. The ballot will be in the same format you have seen before.
6. You will vote in the voting booth area and then feed it into the machine as usual.
Polls open on Tuesday at 7 a.m. and close at 7 p.m.