Fish on Lake Logan Martin have some new places to thrive.
On Feb. 3, Alabama Power deployed 80 new artificial fish-attracting devices (FADs) on the lake. Alabama Power Environmental Affairs Specialist Mike Clelland says the devices, also known as spider blocks, give fish better places to feed and grow.
“Natural structures in the lakes deteriorate over time,” Clelland said. “We’re basically replacing those natural habitats with synthetic materials that will last a little longer.”
Alabama Power has deployed more than 60,000 fish habitats in Alabama’s lakes and rivers since 1993. Clelland says a majority of those are natural habitats consisting of recycled Christmas trees, stumps and logs.
“As these structures sit in the water, they’ll start collecting algae and macroinvertebrates, which are little insect colonies,” Clelland said. “That in turn will attract smaller fish to feed on, and in turn the larger fish will come to the smaller fish, so we’re creating mini-ecosystems throughout the reservoir.”
The spider blocks were assembled Jan. 9 in Calera. High school anglers, coaches and parents from the Gardendale Rockets Bass Fishing Club and Hukone Bass Club joined volunteers from Alabama Power, B.A.S.S. and Alabama B.A.S.S. Nation High School to assemble the FADs. The work was done in an open field, allowing participants to follow COVID-19 safety protocols.
“It’s the partnerships that come together with the resources that make it successful,” Clelland said.
The 80 spider blocks were deployed in four groups of 20 across Logan Martin at the following coordinates:
Location 1: N 33° 28.952′ W 086° 15.709′
Location 2: N 33° 28.888′ W 086° 15.708′
Location 3: N 33° 31.141′ W 086° 16.991′
Location 4: N 33° 31.637′ W 086° 16.934′
Clelland says the remaining 120 spider blocks will be deployed at a later date on other Alabama lakes and rivers.
This Story via Dennis Washington, Alabama NewsCenter.