CHILDERSBURG, Ala. – On Tuesday, the Childersburg City Council took another step toward a June 26 Special Election, a referendum on Sunday alcohol sales. Approval was given to Resolution 2018-5, which is a working agreement with Talladega County for the special vote.
The Council approved Resolution 2018-8, which authorizes disposal of surplus property by auction through Heritage Real Estate and Auction Company. The lot of property includes 13 vehicles, out-dated police equipment, as well as various electronic equipment. The auction date will be Saturday, May 26, but bidding will be available on-line prior to that date.
Also gaining approval was Resolution 2018-9, which authorizes an application with the Alabama Department of Transportation for Phase Two of the Downtown Streetscape Project. The grant would be in the amount of $862,312 with an expected local match of $20,000.
Handling a few personnel requests for the Fire Department, the Council approved reassignment for Tommy Chamberlain as a fire-medic at a $14.34 rate of pay. Also approval for Jeff Moseley to be promoted to Captain at a $15.51 rate of pay.
The Council approved mileage reimbursement for Susan Carpenter of the Rainwater Library to attend a meeting in Heflin on April 24.
Approval was given for the Parks & Recreation Department to hire Chad Podoris and Corey Williams as part-time, temporary-seasonal grounds and maintenance workers at an $8.00 rate of pay with 30-hours collectively. Also, the deadline for the open Parks and Recreation Director position was extended to April 30.
The Council approved the posting of a Crew Leader position for the Street Department.
Childersburg Police Officer Michael Price was recognized as a graduate of the 173rd Northeast Alabama Police Academy.
Approval was given to pay invoices in the amount of $234,637.07.
During the Town Hall portion of the meeting, it was announced that extensive remodeling and expansion is complete for the kitchen area at the Kymulga Grist Mill, just in time for this weekend’s 8th Annual Grits Festival.
It was noted that Police Chief Rick McClelland has completed training in the Certified Law Enforcement Executive Program and was awarded his Certification at the Alabama Association of Chiefs of Police Conference in Montgomery last month.
The next regular meeting of the Childersburg City Council will be held on May 1, 2018 at 6:00 p.m.