FAYETTEVILLE, Ala. - Head Coaches Matt Moore and Al Barnett preview the boys and girls basketball matchups for the Fayetteville Wolves as they face off against B.B. Comer and Autauga Academy.
FAYETTEVILLE, Ala. - With the season just a little over 24 hours from kickoff, a rivalry will be renewed at FarmLinks field when the Fayetteville Wolves host the Childersburg Tigers.
SYLACAUGA, Ala. – Watch the newest episode of The Breakthrough Podcast with Josh Podoris featuring guest Eric DuBose, current University of West Alabama Head Coach as well as former Mississippi State Bulldog and MLB pitcher.
SYLACAUGA, Ala. – Listen to this week’s edition of Coach Podo’s Positive Press, where Coach Josh Podoris shares a good news story in our community and beyond.
TALLADEGA, Ala. - Dovetail Landing is inviting individuals to participate in its "Pullin’ 4 Patriots" second annual Clay Shoot Tournament on Saturday, March 2, at the Civilian Marksmanship Park (CMP) in Talladega.